My "TO DO" List...A BLESSING!? Ugh!

Wejoysing staff retreat 2016

Wejoysing staff retreat 2016

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Fall brings cooler temperatures, sweatshirts & jeans, pumpkin spice and everything nice and Thanksgiving! Plus it brings me back to my WeJoySing families! It also brings new commitments, more schedules, more running, and more chaos. It is so easy to get wrapped up in the “have to’s” of life. I am so busy that I forget to stop and take a breath. I forget to stop and realize my “have to’s” are my blessings. 

lookk who's in the laundry basket!

lookk who's in the laundry basket!

As we were preparing for the fall session at our staff retreat, Mrs. Jo asked us to  “Make a list all of the things you have to do today.”    Well, as a wife and mom, I have to do laundry. I have to clean the kitchen. I have to put away clean clothes. I have to clean the bathrooms. I have to get the girls to school, WeJoySing, gymnastics, AWANA, etc.. I have to give the dog a bath. I have to go to the grocery storeI have to go to work. The list could go on and on (I’m sure you understand!). 

Next she asked us to, “Use the same list, but change the words ‘have to’ to “get to.” My head turned a bit. “Huh!”, I thought. Well that certainly puts a different spin on my list. I get to do laundry. I get to clean the kitchen. I get to put away clean clothes. I get to clean the bathrooms. I get to take my girls to their activities. I get to give the dog a bath. I get to go to the grocery store. I get to go to work! 

She went on to ask us to change “get to” to “I choose to” and then finally, we heard, “Now change your “choose to” for “I’m blessed to.” In that moment, my head turned a bit more, and then my eyes started getting misty. 

Mrs. Karen with daughter

Mrs. Karen with daughter

I am BLESSED to do laundry
(I have a family!).

I am BLESSED to clean the kitchen
(I have somewhere to store and cook food!).

I am BLESSED to put away clean clothes
(my family has clothes to wear!).

I am BLESSED to clean the bathroom
(I have a roof over my head and running water!).  
I am BLESSED to take my girls to their activities
(I have the children for whom I prayed so desperately!).

I am BLESSED to give my dog a bath
(I have a furry little creature who snuggles me!).
I am BLESSED to go to the grocery store
(I have a way to get there, and enough money to buy food for my family!).

Mrs. Kanen in "action!" 

Mrs. Kanen in "action!" 

New friends often ask me where I work and what I do. I love responding, “I don’t go to ‘work.’ I get to PLAY!” I truly am BLESSED to have WeJoySing on my “have to” list. There is no better job in the world, because it provides me the opportunity to share one of my greatest loves with you… music! I am so thankful to have those precious 30 minutes with you and your children each week! 

As busy parents, we know that getting to class is not always easy. Many of us are stressed and running in as we hear “The More We Get Together.” But, then we sit down. We take a breath. We realize that this experience is beyond a "have to." We get to go to WeJoySing. We are blessed to go to WeJoySing! 

count your blessings!!  

count your blessings!!  

When those overwhelming days come and you are staring at your “have to” list, trade your words and see how it changes the view! 

I HAVE to…
I GET to…
I AM BLESSED to…    

Love & LaLa’s,
Mrs. Karen