Mrs. Lynnette: "Once Upon A Time"

Loving what I do best!!!

Loving what I do best!!!

Once upon a time, in fact, in 1996, the founder and director of WeJoySing, Jo Kirk, called me to extend an invitation to come teach with her. I thought, "I don't have the training for that!" However, I decided to talk with her anyway. It was on a hot summer day that we talked, laughed, and cried a little. It was also on that day that I fell in love with WeJoySing and its director, Jo Kirk.

 I had just recovered from a total hysterectomy and my heart was broken that I could not have any additional children. We had one VERY special daughter, but my heart ached for more. I knew I would not see first steps, hear first words and first cries again. That is what made that summer day so special. When I accepted Jo's invitation, I began a journey that would change my life forever. I have witnessed first steps, first words and have received so much love that my heart has overgrown.  That is why I want to share some exciting news with you.

My Family!!

My Family!!

My daughter, Lindsey, her husband, Adam and our two grandchildren, Lilly and Gehrig live in Cincinnati. My husband and I have the opportunity to move to Cincinnati and be closer to be able to play a more important part in their lives. This is something we have been dreaming about for a couple years as our grandkids begin to get involved in many sports, cheerleading, dance and singing.   The best news is that I am going to begin WeJoySing classes in Cincinnati! I am currently searching locations and have high hopes that they can begin soon!

My Grandchildren!!!

My Grandchildren!!!

 This is a bittersweet decision for me because I have fallen in love with all of my students and families. The memories I hold, will be in my heart forever. My tears have fallen for two reasons...leaving my Central Ohio families and tears of joy to be with our grandchildren.  However, I am so thrilled to share with you that MY NIECE, Mrs. Beth Marshall will be "keeping it in the family."  She will step in and teach my classes beginning in the Fall. You see, she has over 12 years’ experience as a WeJoySing Instructor!! She is fabulous and has been a well-loved WeJoySing Instructor. I know she will capture your child's heart (and yours!) very quickly! 

My niece: Mrs. Beth!!!

My niece: Mrs. Beth!!!

Thank you for sharing your children with me. Thank you for the hugs I've received every day. Thank you for the friendships we've built (thanks to social media, we can continue them!). Thank you for believing in the power of music that enhances your children's lives. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your families. Thank you that YOU will continue to be a part of mine! Most importantly, thank you for your love!


Love and La Las,
Mrs. Lynnette