My teddy loves holiday music too!

My teddy loves holiday music too!

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Did you sing this phrase in your head? - If you did, it demonstrated the power of music in your life!!

Few things set the tone for Christmas and Hanukkah like holiday music. Music physically triggers happy emotions and brings back magical memories – the glow of candle lights, the smell of fresh cut pine and Grandma’s special cookies she only made at Christmas time. 

When I look at the traditions of my family, I see that music is the central theme to all of them:

·       Caroling to neighbors (dressed in Santa hats)

·       Singing “Silent Night” at the Christmas Eve Candle lighting service

make it a family affair…share music together!

make it a family affair…share music together!

·       Playing Christmas music in the background while frosting cookies

·       Spinning a dreidel and Singing “Dreidel Dreidel  Dreidel” 

·       Watching “Frosty the Snowman” (and singing along, of course!)

·       Going to the local performance of the Nutcracker Ballet

·       Teaching “Jingle Bells” to a new class of little ones at WeJoySing.
It’s not too late to add to your list of Holiday Musical Memories by enrolling in our HOLIDAY SESSION!!!

These traditions will never fade away, even as our families grow and change. Nostalgia is HUGE! Kids remember these special times fondly even as they are grown adults, and these memories are easily brought back by a simple song, because of the way the brain stores music: FOREVER!

I have my Bells…do you have yours?

I have my Bells…do you have yours?

Dr. Rhonda Freeman, a clinical neuropsychologist, says “Many of us associate [Holiday] music with childhood and a happy time of presents and traditions and all the specialness that happens around that time of year. When the brain makes these associations with something very positive and pleasurable, the rewards system is being activated [which triggers] a number of chemicals including dopamine.”

Traditional Holiday songs are powerful because they’re among the last remnants of what used to be common practice: the passing down of oral tradition.

So, what will you pass down to your children? What were your favorite Christmas, Hanukkah and Holiday traditions growing up? Will you continue to keep them alive? Grab some jingle bells, break out the Christmas, Hanukkah and Holiday music and make some new memories today! And remember, it isn’t too late to sign up for WeJoySing’s HOLIDAY SESSION to add to your Holiday Music Memories!!!

Happy Holidays!
Mrs. Julie

WeJoySing FUN with Columbus East FIT4MOM

Today Is Monday - Come and eat it up!!

Today Is Monday - Come and eat it up!!

Do you know about the Columbus East FIT4MOM?  What a fabulous group of moms, children and instructors! Last week, Mrs. Jo was invited to do a FREE DEMO CLASS for the Gahanna based FIT4MOMs and their children.  The hour went so fast and was filled with joyful and fun-filled music and movement marking!   If your ORGANIZATION is interested in a FREE WeJoySing DEMO CLASS, contact Mrs. Jo or the WeJoySing office at 614-868-0107 to book a date!  We'd love to come and meet MORE WONDERFUL PARENTS and your delightful children!

The More We Get Together the HAPPIER We'll Be!!!

The More We Get Together the HAPPIER We'll Be!!!

Hammer time 2  .JPG

HAMMER TIME!!!  "Rat-a-Tat-Tat!!!"