Friendships Grow in WeJoySing

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Being a WeJoySing teacher doesn’t just mean playing with children for 1/2 hour weekly.  It means you make a special place in your heart that grows to an enormous size as your love for the children blossoms.  You become a part of their family and they become a part of yours. 

This summer, my heart hurt almost as bad as it did when I took my daughter to college.  I felt like I was cutting some apron strings, only the apron wasn’t mine to begin with. 

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The Townsend family has been a part of WeJoySing for almost 4 years.  In those 4 years, I have seen a tiny little 6 week old baby, James, grow into such a beautiful, vibrant and loving little boy....a little boy who can’t wait to sit next to me when he arrives to class.  A little boy who always has news to share with all his friends.  The one who sings at the top of his lungs when we sing, “I Love My Little Rooster.” And finally, a little boy who loves to kiss my leg while I’m teaching and cries when he waits to take turns being Mrs. Lynnette’s partner.  Oh, I love that little boy, James, and I appreciate his love for music....and me.

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In 4 years, I’ve grown to love my chats with James’ Mom, Carolyn.  Our chats were honest and sweet.  We would talk about life and how difficult it can be when you are a young mother.  Then one day I found myself trying to keep Carolyn safe when she was carrying James’ sister, Lydia.  There were some complications as Carolyn carried Lydia but she was determined that James would still make it to WeJoySing.  Lydia was born prematurely and I remember fervently praying that she would flourish each day because I knew that a little boy was waiting to take care of his little sister.  It was a beautiful day when Lydia joined us in class and then she began her own classes.  The dimples that precious princess has are priceless!!!  I rejoiced with her family as Lydia got stronger with each passing day. 

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This summer, they came to WeJoySing for the last time.  They have moved to New York and the commute to get back to WeJoySing class is just too far!  As I waved, and held my tears until they got out the door (Carolyn thanked me for that!), I felt as though a piece of my heart was leaving, because the more you love the more it hurts when saying goodbye.  My hope is that the music and joy we shared will continue to grow in their lives and will somehow, keep us connected.


Grandma states, "WeJoySing has been the BEST THING!"

Can music really help in my child's language, speech, movement and social development?  Grandmother Suzanne, who brings her grandchild to WeJoySing, answers that question and shares her first hand experience of the POWER OF MUSIC in her grandchild's life and development.  She writes,  

Lindsey is all about MUSIC - A JOYFUL WAY to LEARN and DEVELOP!!

Lindsey is all about MUSIC - A JOYFUL WAY to LEARN and DEVELOP!!

"WeJoySing has been the BEST thing for Lindsey who is in the Help Me Grow program because of speech delays.  Mrs. Julie was Lindsey's first WeJoySing music teacher. Lindsey started very young and was a non-walker. She was in Help Me Grow for speech therapy as well as physical therapy because at 22 months old she wasn't walking. It's important that you know that Lindsey took her first steps in Mrs. Julie's class when Mrs. Julie encouraged Lindsey to come and put her instruments away. It was so moving!!  She doesn't always do everything in class but she sure "takes notes" and then we do a lot of it at home. It has not only stimulated her but it gives her a bit of confidence!



Again, thank you for all WeJoySing has done for Lindsey! It has also give her mom and me hope that her speech will develop just as her walking did, no matter how long it takes!!
Grandmother Suzanne"

Suzanne, thank you for sharing Lindsey's inspiring story with us!  WeJoySing will continue to provide her with only THE BEST so that one day, she will "talk a leg off of you!"
With Great Respect and Appreciation,
Mrs. Jo


DON'T GIVE UP!! Patience is the Key!!

Look at those eyes!! What's going through this little one's thoughts??!!

Look at those eyes!! What's going through this little one's thoughts??!!

Have you ever been at the end of your rope? Has your little one's behavior made you want to leave WJS class early, or not attend class at all? Read on for a story that lets you know you're not alone.
At the start of my classes this session, I met a wonderful family at Arts in the Alley.  They enjoyed playing with the instruments and discussing how our WJS classes are structured for fun and fostering all of the skills that our little ones are developing.  Mom and dad understand how an early childhood class like WJS can ignite the desire for joyful learning, for years to come. The dad was super excited to bring his son to WJS, as music is a huge part of his family's lives.

Rhythm Sticks SAVE THE DAY!!

Rhythm Sticks SAVE THE DAY!!

Dad and son came to their first 2 - 3 year old's class, where the little guy proceeded to joyfully "squeal" and run around non-stop for the first part of class. Dad felt bad and tried everything to help his son to calm himself, but he just couldn't keep his excitement contained! After dad took his son out in the hall and he still couldn't calm himself, dad was about ready to give up and take him home. 

Luckily, right at that moment, I was ready to pass out rhythm sticks. I popped my head out and told the little guy that Jack and Jill needed help getting up the hill, and we were going to help them with our sticks, and could he pleeeease help us? He said yes, and bounded back into class. I could see the look on dad's face, of "ok, we'll give this one more try" and he followed his little guy in, where he participated joyfully for the rest of class. He still squealed and ran around some, and he also focused and joined in too! 

Dad didn't give up and now we play our Sticks at home!  

Dad didn't give up and now we play our Sticks at home!  

After class, dad and I talked about how it gets better each week. I assured dad that all the parents have "been there" and most of the children didn't start out sitting and participating right away. Many are observers, some have to be moving constantly....every child learns differently. Because dad was patient and didn't give up that first class, I am so happy to report, as you can see in the picture, that dad and son have continued playing in my class, and are even playing "Jack and Jill" at home with their own sticks!!   The message here?  "Don't give up!!

With love and la-la's,
Mrs. Kelly

"Getting to Know You" - PART I

 "Getting to know you. Getting to know all about you!"  These familiar lyrics from "The King & I" are a great way to introduce  our newest WeJoySing Instructors.  Part I of "Getting to Know You" will feature Kristi Frazier. Her Granville and Childhood League children and families have already begun to bond and share together the delight of learning and growing through musical play.  Enjoy Part I as Kristi shares her life, family, love for education and music!  She writes:

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I grew up in rural Knox County, outside of Gambier, Ohio on a small farm adjacent to my grandparents. I attended Mount Vernon City Schools for my education and obtained my first teaching job there in 2000 after attending OSU-Newark for my Masters in Education. My dream to work as a teacher started with a position as an itinerant preschool teacher where I traveled to pre-school facilities and homes to transition children from Help Me Grow to our District Special Education program. I then served as the teacher and director for our district special needs pre-school which was an incredible journey! I spent one year as a Kindergarten teacher, four years as a First-Grade teacher and four years as a Second-Grade teacher. Each grade level I taught brought about new discoveries about children at that age level and I loved it!

During my childhood, my mother made a point to get me in piano lessons, which I dreaded at the time, but am most grateful for now. I went on to play in the band; clarinet for concert season and trumpet for marching band season. My choral experiences started in the church setting, singing in children’s choirs, soloing and eventually leading the children’s choirs. Choir, praise band, local theater, and belting out songs in the car kept my musical skills fresh. When I taught in the public schools, music was a constant in my classroom, whether it was a transition song to get the kids to line up or the classical music I played for its calming effect; music was ever-present within my classrooms.

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I lived in and taught in Mount Vernon for 11 years before meeting my husband-to-be. He owns a business in Pickerington, so Granville happened to be a great middle ground for both of us. Living just outside Granville makes access to the eastern outskirts of Columbus a breeze, while still providing us with the small-town feel. We currently live on 3 acres with about 2 of it under pasture. We are only pasturing sheep right now, but have had chickens, goats, ducks, cows, rabbits and pigs on our mini farm. Once our daughter Lila, who is just 22 months now, gets older, we intend to bring more chickens onto our mini farm so she can help collect their eggs and tend to them. My favorite animals we have cared for thus far are the goats because they are rambunctious and playful; but chickens come in at a close second.

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            Joining the WeJoySing community with my daughter when she was just 6 months old was an incredible experience. Not only did it provide me with several new songs, bounces and finger plays to do with Lila; it also provided a sense of community with the other moms. We all looked forward to our weekly “La-La” class as the children came to call it! Now when my family visits, my daughter Lila has started passing out instruments to everyone in the room for sing time…perhaps another teacher in the making?!

La La's for ALL!!
Mrs. Kristi

Musical Miracles: The Life Story of Bryn Foyle



“With music, one’s whole future life is brightened. This is such a treasure in life that it helps us over many troubles and difficulties. Music is nourishment, a comforting elixir. Music multiplies all that is beautiful and of value in life.”   Zoltan Kodaly

For Denise and Bob Foyle, this could not be truer than in the story of their darling daughter Bryn. Bryn was a triplet who came 4 months early, born at a mere 23 weeks and 6 days gestation. Bryn’s siblings, Jack and Cate, survived just 5 days before passing. Despite being the smallest of the triplets at just 1 pound 3 ounces, dropping to only 13 ounces on her third day of life; Bryn continued to fight for 3 weeks at Riverside Hospital in Columbus, Ohio.  Bryn was then transferred to Nationwide Children’s Hospital where she endured an emergency surgery for a ruptured bowel that was causing her to go septic and plummeting her survival rate to less than 5%. After another abdominal surgery, a laser eye surgery and a third abdominal surgery to reconnect her bowel and put in a feeding tube, Bryn finally left the hospital at 6 pounds and 5.5 months old.



During Bryn’s stay at the hospital, Denise requested music therapy for her daughter. The same physiological effects that came from skin to skin time with Bryn’s parents were also present during music therapy. The monitors showcased her heart rate lowering and her respirations easing. A program called Sounds of Love allowed Bob and Denise to record their voices singing songs, reading Bible verses and telling stories, which could then be played in Bryn’s incubator at night to provide comfort for baby and parents.

bryn "rocking out" with WeJjoysing hammers

bryn "rocking out" with WeJjoysing hammers

Once released to come home, it was imperative that Bryn be kept safe from germs, which meant limited visitors and only short trips to the doctor. During this time, Bryn’s aunt and uncles gifted her with some Raffi CD’s and videos. Denise noticed Bryn would turn her head toward the music and tended to be most calm when music was playing.  Denise knew that music had to continue to be a part of Bryn’s life so she signed her up for WeJoySing when she was about 13 months old. Though Bryn was not walking yet, she would show her excitement in kicks, wiggles and a smile of pure joy while just pulling in the parking lot because she knew what was in store!

“One of the more miraculous things we saw was, like most preemies, she had a minor speech delay initially; so, she was in speech therapy with Help Me Grow in our home. What we found was she learned to sing before she learned to talk!” Denise recounts that Bryn had a few words like ‘momma’, ‘dadda’, ‘ball’, ‘doggy’ and was not yet able to form sentences, but she could sing the verses to Pony Boy and Dinah Won’t You Blow Your Horn! “I found that so fascinating! My husband and I are not musical, but she has always been able to find the beat and bounce in time!”

bryn accompanying "The more we get together!!"

bryn accompanying "The more we get together!!"

Denise is certain that Bryn’s progress in speech and language development were aided by her time in WeJoySing classes. Bryn’s social skills blossomed as she met children in her classes saying, “they met as one-year-old babies, and now they’re four and a half and still play together.”  Denise also noted that even though attention span is something that children born pre-maturely tend to struggle with, she enjoyed watching the attention span of her daughter grow year by year.

bryn & Mrs. Karen ....quite the loving pair!!!

bryn & Mrs. Karen ....quite the loving pair!!!

While Denise was not shy about sharing Bryn’s story, she noted that she never felt judgement from the WeJoySing community and instead felt a connection with the other mothers. “I didn’t get out a lot while she was little, so it was nice to have a weekly something to do with her to look forward to. And to have the words at home so we could do the songs and finger plays!” Bryn’s instructor, Mrs. Karen, listened intently to Denise when she explained Bryn’s weakened immune system. She was always very careful to sanitize the instruments, give reminders about the sick kid policies and genuinely cared for Bryn’s well-being; so much so that she will still follow-up with Denise to inquire about Bryn!

As Kodaly stated, the treasure that is music has certainly brightened the life of Bryn and her family and WeJoySing classes are here to brighten yours as well. We invite you to come to WeJoySing and together we will multiply all that is beautiful in your life!

Musical Blessings & Miracles,
Mrs. Kristi

The Essence of Parenting: Strong Roots Lead to Wings to Fly!

Mrs. Krista and her first born son!

Mrs. Krista and her first born son!

Hello WeJoySing Families!
It is wonderful to be together with you again this Fall!  We missed you and your little ones during the long summer break and it’s a JOY to see those little smiles and hear little singing voices once again!

I am always amazed at how much my little friends grow and change over the summer.   Suddenly those who were just starting class with me as tiny infants are running into the room and talking in complete sentences!  It happens so quickly!  As a mom, I recognize the little heartbreak that comes when your child no longer wants to sit in your lap during class, or wants to play an instrument all by themselves, with no help from you.  My own boys did the same thing!  It’s the first of the many “letting go” moments we experience as parents. It means our children are growing up.   It also means that they are confident enough to try things on their own, knowing that you are there to love and support them as they go their own way.  It’s the essence of parenting – giving our children a strong foundation to build upon, then giving them the independence to fly!

First born son is spreading his wings...COLLEGE!!

First born son is spreading his wings...COLLEGE!!

I experienced a huge “letting go” moment about a month ago, when we took our oldest son to start his freshman year in college.   During the drive, I was thinking about being pregnant with him, and just learning how to be a mom to him once he was born.  And wait, wasn’t that just yesterday??  How could we be taking our baby to college already?  What have I forgotten to teach him?  Is he ready?  Am I ready??   I managed to hold back my tears as I gave him a final hug goodbye, all the while feeling like there was a lump in my throat and a hole in my heart.   Then a sense of calm set in as we drove home without him, because I knew we had given him the best roots we could, and he was ready to soar! 

So, I promise you all, it’s alright if your little one wants to leave your lap during class, and go exploring.  You are giving them wings!  Enjoy every moment, even the “letting go” ones. 

Love and La Las,
Mrs. Krista

Pediatrician Supports WeJoySing's Early Childhood Music Programs!

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As parents, we want to do everything within our power to support our children’s well-being and development.  It can’t get better when we find “a way” to spend quality time learning and bonding with our children in a joy-filled, child-centered, caring and educational atmosphere that is  ALSO recommended by our pediatrician. We’ve “hit the jackpot!”  WeJoySing is exactly one of those “jackpot” programs.

Dr. Brad Dickson of Southwest Pediatrics supports WeJoySing’s early childhood music and movement based programs and firmly believes that music education plays an integral part in a human being’s full academic and learning experience.  His support is based on conversations with his patients who speak of WeJoySing “always with a smile!” and because of people “like Mrs. Kelly, WeJoySing Instructor, who genuinely care for children and have true passion and intelligence for music and teaching.”

Mrs. Kelly recently interviewed Dr. Dickson about his professional take on the value of music programs like WeJoySing in a child’s young life:

Kelly: Why do you think parent involvement and participation (“playing along with”) is important in a child’s development, especially in early childhood?

Dr. Dickson: Parent involvement and participation is important because the child’s social infrastructure and developmental progression is based on the parent’s interactions with the child.  

Kelly: What are your thoughts about using play, singing, music, and movement in a child’s development?

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Dr. Dickson: Brain development is greatly based on forming new “pathways” and to do this we need to try new healthy things every opportunity we can… from simple things like driving a different way to work, brushing our teeth with the non-dominant hand, to something as enriching and complex as learning music in a loving environment like WeJoySing.  

Kelly: How do you think music and singing can be good parenting tools for things like making transitions and stressful times joyful, and creating developmentally appropriate experiences at home?

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Dr. Dickson: Music in the parenting realm is vital because music is one of those rare things that brings our children a “mindfulness” or a true “being in the moment”... you are concentrating on music and therefore you have to be in the moment.

Kelly: We have the classes split up into developmentally appropriate age groups.  What does the term “developmentally appropriate” mean from your perspective?

Dr. Dickson: To me developmentally appropriate means that a child is comfortable with the pace or complexity of what musical experience is happening.

WeJoySing is a powerful program for EVERY child, and Dr. Dickson especially promotes this program for children with complex mental health issues and challenges:

Kelly: What benefits do you see coming out of participating in a program like ours?

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Dr. Dickson: Multiple benefits...especially with a large group of children that I take care of with mental health diagnoses like Autism, Bipolar Disorder, Anxiety Disorder, Depression and ADHD.  Children with these diagnoses are invariably super intelligent but have an excruciating time showing their intelligence because of a host of complex is common ground for any of these children.

Kelly: What else would you like to add from a pediatrician’s perspective?

Dr. Dickson: As a pediatrician who has an ingrained passion to help children with complex mental health issues, I just dearly appreciate people like Kelly and programs like WeJoySing for sharing in the passion to help and advocate for any child with challenges.

We sincerely thank Dr. Dickson for sharing his thoughts on the importance of music in human development, for promoting WeJoySing to his patients and for sharing WeJoySing’s passion and devotion to helping young children develop and grow!

Connect with WeJoySing at Coffee Connections Fall 2017

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Play and share music based learning together with your child & friends at WeJoySing & the Coffee Connection, Hilliard on Sept. 22, Oct. 13 & 20, and Nov. 10. Classes time: 9:30-10:00am =
1-23 months & 10:15-10:50am = 2-4years.  Class Fee per day: $5 per child, $3 per older/younger sibling. Register & submit payment prior to class by calling 614-868-0107. Walk-ins MUST have correct change.  Class size limited to 12 children. 

WeJoySing FUN with Columbus East FIT4MOM

Today Is Monday - Come and eat it up!!

Today Is Monday - Come and eat it up!!

Do you know about the Columbus East FIT4MOM?  What a fabulous group of moms, children and instructors! Last week, Mrs. Jo was invited to do a FREE DEMO CLASS for the Gahanna based FIT4MOMs and their children.  The hour went so fast and was filled with joyful and fun-filled music and movement marking!   If your ORGANIZATION is interested in a FREE WeJoySing DEMO CLASS, contact Mrs. Jo or the WeJoySing office at 614-868-0107 to book a date!  We'd love to come and meet MORE WONDERFUL PARENTS and your delightful children!

The More We Get Together the HAPPIER We'll Be!!!

The More We Get Together the HAPPIER We'll Be!!!

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HAMMER TIME!!!  "Rat-a-Tat-Tat!!!"

Summer Memories with WeJoySing!

Early this summer, Mrs. Jo hosted an "end of the year" party at her home for the Music & Me Level II families.  It was a delightful evening of conversation, fabulous food, friendship, and it was "topped it off" by a marvelous musical demonstration by the Music & Me students!!  Of course, the demonstration included the parents' involvement in the games!  

The recorder demonstration by the students was the highlight of the evening!!  YEP!  Now that they can read & write "drm sl" (solfege) on the staff and have a strong understanding of "re," the students were introduced to "absolute note names" (better known as "A B C's" note names).  We were ready to perform "HOT CROSS BUNS and several other "mrd OR BAG" songs when WHAT SHOULD APPEAR OVERHEAD but a beautiful hot air balloon.

The program abruptly stopped so ALL could gaze at the balloon.  Soon it passed over and the program commenced once again.  HOWEVER, 10 minutes later, the balloon turned its course and headed back toward Mrs. Jo's home!  The EXCITEMENT ERUPTED!  The children shouted and encouraged the pilot to land the balloon in Mrs. Jo's back yard.  In the end, it landed two houses down!!   Now tell me, HOW AM I GOING TO TOP THAT NEXT YEAR!!!??  

One can never tell what will happen as friends make music together!!!  It was a glorious time!

MUSIC & ME: WeJoySing for School Agers

a JOY-FILLED way to learn to read, write and sing music!

a JOY-FILLED way to learn to read, write and sing music!

Great News!  Your joy-filled music experiences with WeJoySing do not have to end because your child graduated from our early childhood Heart Strings program.  We invite you and your child (5.5-10yrs) to a FREE Music & Me Introduction and demo: 
Upper Arlington -Tuesday, August 22
Northwest Christian Church, 
1340 Fishinger Road, Columbus, OH
Room 12 from 4:45-5:45pm.
Reynoldsburg – Monday, August 21, 
Reynoldsburg United Methodist Church,
1636 Graham Rd, Reynoldsburg, OH, 
Room 113 from 5:00-6:00pm.
Music & Me, a high energy, experience-based music literacy program utilizing the Kodály Method to music literacy.  This logical, sequential, hands-on, learning experience is designed for children ages 6-10 years.  Check the Fall Schedule for exact Upper Arlington and Reynoldsburg class time. 
Through joyful singing games, folk songs, instruments, and movement, your child will learn to read, write, sing, and play music while developing the foundations for good singing. 
 For more information about this fun-filled music literacy program, visit our website at Music & Me or call 614-868-0107.  
Registration is $145.00 (9 week session) BUT register NOW and pay only $135.00 with a this promotion Code M&M17.
 Can't wait to see you there!
Mrs. Jo

Early Music Experiences - Predictor of Academic Success!

Beginning Early...genius!

Beginning Early...genius!

“Neuroscientist and music teacher, Dr. Martin Gardner, thinks music is the key to getting kids on the path toward “genius.”  Mercy!  THAT got my immediate attention. I stopped and watched Through the Wormhole, a TV series on the Science Channel. Martin stated, “Music provides a fantastic opportunity to strengthen your mind.  It’s one of the most marvelous inventions of humanity.”

Music & Me...Writing Rhythms

Music & Me...Writing Rhythms

Dr. Gardner tracked children’s academic achievement as they grew from age seven to thirty-five.  His decades of research found that the strongest predictor of academic success is whether the student received musical training at an early age.  As an early childhood specialist and music educator, I was elated to hear this and  jumped for joy! 

Mrs. Jo Wichita State University

Mrs. Jo Wichita State University

But, it got even better.  Martin believes one specific musical teaching system “hits all the right neurological notes.”  He identified the “system” as the Kodály Method.  I’m glad you weren’t in my living room to hear my “WooWhoos”.  You see, I am a Kodály specialist and hold my Master Degree in Music Education with an emphasis in the Kodály Method.  But BEST of ALL, WeJoySing’s Hearth Strings and Music & Me programs are based on the philosophy and pedagogical principles of Zoltan Kodály.  Since the late 80’s, my summers have been spent teaching graduate level Kodály Methods at six Universities across the US.   Obviously, I’m “SOLD” on this methodology. 

It is with great enthusiasm I share this episode of Through the Wormhole “Can Music Help Make You a Genius?”

Mrs. Jo
Jo Kirk, President
WeJoySing, Inc.

"Long Lonely Days" - Not at WeJoySing!

 “We have all known the long loneliness,
and we have found that the answer is community.” – Dorothy Day

I happened upon this quote while surfing social media and it immediately made me think of WeJoySing and parenthood.  As parents, don’t we all know the “long loneliness”?  While the years may be short, the days can definitely be long.  We are overwhelmed by to-do lists that come along with raising little humans.  These tasks have to be checked off the list by YOU, the parent.  They are done in the dark early morning hours before your children wake, or long after they’ve gone to sleep.  Some days,  hours pass without speaking to another adult.  It can be LONELY. 

friendship & community at WEjoysing!

friendship & community at WEjoysing!

I remember taking my first-born to Mrs. Lynnette’s class for 13-24 month-olds.  We were new to the area and I couldn’t take another second without some form of human contact (besides my needy toddler!).  As I sat in her class for the first time, I nearly wept from the relief and joy I felt.  Wow- here are some other moms JUST LIKE ME with toddlers who have the same needs as mine! Life outside of my four walls actually DOES EXIST!  Friendships grew with these parents who brought their children each week. Playdates were made. Community was built.  Imagine how powerful it is for children to be a part of a larger community!

And now as an instructor for WeJoySing, I have had the privilege of watching these communities of families grow together. I hear parents talking before and after class about those nagging parenting issues that keep us all awake at night. I see parents filled with pride and joy as they watch each of the children reaching different milestones.  What an honor and a blessing it is to witness these relationships growing over time.

You see, WeJoySing is more than just a music class.  Yes, children do develop lifelong skills from these classes. But I want you to know that these classes are so much more. They have been for me, and they can be for you, an answer to the “long loneliness”.  What a gift!

Not Lonely!
Mrs. Jody

Response to: Is Your "Emotional Bucket" Empty

This is too good to keep to myself!  I must share this response to a recent blog "Is Your "Emotional Bucket" Empty?"  Thank YOU Paly!

Thank you Mrs Jo!!!   The article describes how I feel perfectly!   I hope it encourages more families to keep coming to WeJoySing and to keep the joy going at home.  We sang "The More We Get Together" for the first time with Mary last week.  Annie and George were all smiles as we all sat in a circle together for music time.  With the birth of Mary, I haven't made the time to sit and play with them as much lately.  But I was the most excited of all of us.  Holding Mary, just one month old, in my lap and swaying back and forth to that oh so familiar song... Her head flopping back and forth as we sang and my other children grinning.  I took a deep breathe as I tried to take it all in.  And instead of feeling overwhelmed and tired as I often do, I just felt... Joyful.  And so blessed, to have these children and to have these tools you have shared with us. I hope you know that what you have created is so very special and unique.  It truly changes lives.  I am forever grateful.
With love,

Humpty Dumpty Has a New Crash!!

LIVING WeJoySing at HOME!!! Humpty Dumpty has a new CRASH! As this little one walked into Mrs. Karen's class, she proudly announced, "I MADE HUMPTY'S CRASH!" For the last several weeks she has brought her "crash" to class and Mrs. Karen has incorporated it into the lesson! BRAVO! This is what WeJoySing is ALL ABOUT!! Music is a JOYFUL way to learn!!!

THE BOX SHOW: WeJoySing Partners with Columbus Children's Theatre

WeJoySing has been working closely with the Columbus Children's Theatre as they endeavor to create and perfect theatre productions for the very young, 18 months to 3 years old.  

Share this DELIGHTFUL EXPERIENCE with your child!

Share this DELIGHTFUL EXPERIENCE with your child!

WeJoySing is proud to announce the opening of The Box Show. You and your toddler will be enthralled by this delightful story of a toddler who finds herself surrounded by boxes. She begins to search for her favorite toy. When she does not find it, an imaginary friend appears to show her how to make the ordinary extraordinary. Whimsical music and other magical sounds accompany as the two friends explore the boxes and transform them into an adventure of endless possibilities. It is a 30 minute, 1 Act Play with music designed for the Young Theatre Goer, 18 months to 3 years old!!

Performances will be at the Park Street Theatre, 
      512 Park St. Columbus, OH 43215
Dates: March 2 - 12 
     Thursdays and Fridays at 10am
     Saturdays at 11:30am and 1pm
     Sundays at 1pm
     Sensory Friendly Performance
        Saturday March 4 and 11 at 10am
Tickets may be purchase online or call:
       CCT Ticket Office
      CAPA Ticket Office      